Events & Giveaways

Julys Give Aways

July 1, 2020

Handcrafted Copper Wire Earrings from Canadian artist MotherNatureWorkshop.  The copper (except for the ear part) is from Veronica’s family farm! Nothing better than Mother Nature’s helping hand. 

Turquoise Flower Copper Bracelet Cuff from SnazzyTrinkets out of North Carolina.  Boho style made by Lisa in her home studio where she loves working with recycled metals.

Gold Turquoise Ring (size 7) from CilaJewelry out of California.  Priscila draws inspiration for her jewelery from life all around her.
First three to reply with “I sparkle the most when I am me” will receive one of the fantastic pieces of wearable art! 

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