Category: Budgeting

The Impact of Inflation on Your Savings & Investments

A couple in a brightly lit room looking over their savings and investments on a laptop to determine how they have been impacted by inflation.

Inflation isn’t just a buzzword thrown around by economists and news anchors—it’s a real financial force that can quietly eat away at your savings and investments. Understanding inflation has never been more critical for Canadians, especially considering its recent uptick.  Inflation can significantly impact savings and investments by eroding the purchasing power of money over […]

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Tips to Save Money & Pay Off Debts

A man drops money into a glass of jar for a savings account.

You may have heard the old saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” And while it might seem cliché, there’s a lot of wisdom in those words. Saving money and reducing debt doesn’t always require drastic measures. Often, small daily changes can have the biggest impact on our financial health. Saving money and living […]

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Best Ways to Save Money When Shopping

A woman putting a dollar into her white savings piggy bank.

With rising prices on necessities like groceries, pinching metaphorical pennies is at the top of many Canadian’s minds in 2023. In 2022, grocery prices saw the highest inflation rate since the 1980s, while other goods are rising due to supply chain challenges.  Though inflation rates are largely out of our control, there are still methods […]

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