Category: Alternative Money Borrowing (Ideas, Options and Opportunities)

Understanding Your Rights as a Borrower

A male in a blue shirt places blocks on a table that read "Know your rights."

In the world of loans, many people know they have rights but may not fully understand what those rights entail. Whether you’re applying for a personal loan, dealing with debt collection, or protecting yourself against predatory lending practices, knowledge is your best defence.  Understanding your rights as a borrower is crucial before entering any loan […]

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How to Qualify for a Line of Credit

A female banker checks the credit points of a person applying for a line of credit.

When you think of credit, what comes to mind? For many, it’s a credit card. And while credit cards are great for various reasons, there are other forms of credit you can look for. A line of credit might be a better choice for you and your financial situation. Lines of credit operate similarly to […]

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The Best Ways to Borrow Money During the Pandemic

Woman looking up ways to borrow money during the pandemic on a laptop

Living through a global pandemic puts extra financial strain on practically everyone (unless you’re a billionaire, in which case you probably aren’t reading this article). For those of us who don’t own global business empires and keep vast sums of personal wealth in multiple offshore accounts, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a time to budget, […]

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Rates And Flexibility

Thank you for wanting to learn more about the revolutionary Blue Copper Club program and how it differentiates from a standard payday loan. In our first blog we’d like to look at the costs and flexibility that a club loan offers a club member We have all heard or have firsthand knowledge that payday loans […]

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