Client Spotlight – How I Improved my Credit Score – Short Story

I have been a customer of Bluecopper Capital for over 6 years now, and I can whole heartedly say that it
is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I was financially naïve about ten years ago when I had to deal with certain things in my life. I had the
perfect credit score and rating and could have gotten anything I want because I earned a decent salary
working in the Oil and Gas Industry. I have never lived above my means either even though I like quality
things in life. Long story short, I maxed out my credit to deal with the issue back then, and that was the
beginning of my struggles.
Of course, the banks will not help out, and I had to live with what I make and also start paying down my
debts. There was little to nothing left after the bills and debts were paid, but I am a man of Faith and
believed that with patience and perseverance and hard work, I will prevail in the end.

Then one day, I was in the shopping mall where the Blue Copper Capital office on Macleod Trail was, and
decided to drop in to chat with who I will say was a God sent man named Dave Chen. He was a good
listener – and still is today by the way. Dave walked me through what I need to do to gradually re-build
my credit score and report. He introduced me to Jen Chen and the rest of the Blue Copper team.

Blue Copper structured a personal loan for me that will eventually show up on my credit report. The
plan was that as I pay down this loan and the other debts on my report, my credit outlook will begin to
pick up. One key advice from Dave and Jen that stuck with me most was on “Credit Utilization Ratio”.

Here are a few of the tips Blue Copper provided to help me build back my credit profile:

  1. Make a habit of reviewing your credit report. Check the report for errors and areas where you
    need to work on first;
  2. Ensure your Credit Utilization Ratio/Rate is low. A low credit utilization rate shows you are using
    less of your available credit. Dave and Jen said a low credit utilization rate is an indication that
    you are doing a good job managing credit by not overspending. Keeping your spending in check
    can help you reach higher credit scores;
  3. Pay down your revolving credit balances. If you have the funds to pay more than your minimum
    payment each month, you should do so;
  4. Contact and stay close to your creditors;
  5. Only if you have to; apply for New Credit sparingly. Blue Copper Capital was always there for me
    when I need bulk urgent cash. NEVER ask for credit too often; and,
  6. Pay down Maxed Out cards first
    Conclusion: I am extremely happy and blessed to have been a customer of this great organization called
    Blue Copper Capital. I see myself being a customer for a long time. Their entire team from Dave, Jen,
    Meaghan, Paige etc. are excellently superb. I will recommend them to anyone who is serious about
    getting their credit back on track.

Conclusion: I am extremely happy and blessed to have been a customer of this great organization called
Blue Copper Capital. I see myself being a customer for a long time. Their entire team from Dave, Jen,
Meaghan, Paige etc. are excellently superb. I will recommend them to anyone who is serious about
getting their credit back on track.

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