
How to Qualify for a Line of Credit

A female banker checks the credit points of a person applying for a line of credit.

When you think of credit, what comes to mind? For many, it’s a credit card. And while credit cards are great for various reasons, there are other forms of credit you can look for. A line of credit might be a better choice for you and your financial situation. Lines of credit operate similarly to […]

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How to Prepare For a Recession

A written words Recession Warning on a green road sign over dramatic dark clouds and sky.

“Recession” is a financial term you need to know, whether you’re a business owner or managing personal funds. When you’re unprepared for a recession, it can severely change your financial plans. During the 2020 recession or Great Lockdown, many businesses filed for bankruptcy, and individuals filed consumer proposals because of overwhelming debt. About 48% of […]

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What is a Consumer Proposal & How Does it Affect Credit

Consumer Proposal is shown on a photo using the text.

A consumer proposal is one of many options that people can use to manage their debt. However, consumer proposals can be complicated and have a huge impact on your credit. Before making any decisions, it’s important to understand all options available to you and speak with experts who can give you the right advice. A […]

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Can I Get a Personal Loan with Bad Credit?

Upset woman sitting at laptop with head in hands after seeing a bad credit score

Personal loans can be a saving grace when you have debts coming due or vital, time-sensitive purchases to make. However, many people worry that bad credit can stand in the way of getting a personal loan application approved. Is there any way around poor credit when you need money for something important? We’re here to […]

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Amortization vs Depreciation: What’s the Difference?

An open notebook with the words "depreciation vs. amortization" written on the page.

The financial world can be confusing. There are so many complex terms to understand and it can be difficult to feel confident about every financial decision when big terms are everywhere you look. Fortunately, there are resources and people out there who can help you make sense of it all.  Understanding the difference between amortization […]

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Client Spotlight – How I Improved my Credit Score – Short Story

I have been a customer of Bluecopper Capital for over 6 years now, and I can whole heartedly say that itis one of the best decisions I have ever made.I was financially naïve about ten years ago when I had to deal with certain things in my life. I had theperfect credit score and rating […]

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