
Payday Loans vs Lines of Credit: Which is Better?

Woman looking into near-empty wallet, realizing she needs a loan.

When expenses arise, you might be among the many Canadians who find themselves in need of a loan. Maybe you’ve run into an unexpected expenditure like a car repair, a broken refrigerator, or a chipped tooth. Perhaps you’re planning a home renovation, want to go back to school, or are looking to vacation as travel […]

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The Best Ways to Get a Payday Advance

More than 50% of Canadians live paycheque to paycheque. When unexpected expenses arise, there’s often nowhere to turn.  Whether you have a flat tire, a refrigerator that suddenly needs repair, or you’ve just stepped on your glasses, any number of items that weren’t in your budget can cause financial hardship. Sometimes, you just need a […]

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The Best Ways to Borrow Money During the Pandemic

Woman looking up ways to borrow money during the pandemic on a laptop

Living through a global pandemic puts extra financial strain on practically everyone (unless you’re a billionaire, in which case you probably aren’t reading this article). For those of us who don’t own global business empires and keep vast sums of personal wealth in multiple offshore accounts, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a time to budget, […]

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What Happens If You Can’t Repay Your CERB Payments?

Financial loans, personal loans, payday loans calgary, line of credit calgary.

By early October of this year, the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) program had provided over 81.6 billion dollars to more than 8.9 million unique applicants. That money helped Canadians across numerous walks of life make ends meet during one of the most worrying and uncertain years on record, but it didn’t come without certain […]

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What is an Unsecured Line of Credit & How do They Work?

There are plenty of situations where you might need to look for alternative ways of finding money. You may turn to a payday loan for help, but another good option may be opening a line of credit. Lines of credit are useful for any situation where you need a little extra money, and the system […]

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